The Consibio Cloud REST API v2 enables easy access to data stored in Consibio Cloud. Typically, our users interact with the data provided by Consibio Equipment through our user interface at However, if the users want to extract the data into their own systems, we've that possible through our Consibio Cloud REST API v2.
The point of such an API is to provide a way for developers to retrieve, manipulate, and utilize data programmatically. Ou API can facilitate seamless communication and integration between different software systems and platforms, regardless of the underlying technologies, enabling interoperability and data exchange.
In this article, you will find relevant links to our documentation and an introduction to our terminology related to the data that is available from our REST endpoints.
Link to Swagger Documentation
For easy integration of data to your services, we've made the documentation compliant with the latest OAS version 3.1. A link to the API documentation in a Swagger type development environment can be found here:
Parameter description / terminology
The basic structure of the Consibio system is depicted in Figure 1. We work with IoT devices, that are deployed on site – these are interchangeably referred to as devices or gateways. A device communicates with sensors or actuators (like relays, pumps and valves) over a wired connection and relays all relevant data to the Consibio Cloud through either a WiFi, cellular or Satelite connection. All signal processing and interfacing electronics required for interfacing the sensors or actuators are embedded in the devices.
In Consibio Cloud, all sensors and actuators are collectively referred to as elements. Thus, one device/gateway can provide values for several elements to the Cloud. Furthermore, devices and elements are grouped into projects in the Cloud. User management and authorization works on the project level.
Users login to the Consibio Cloud web app via, where they have access to real-time visualizations of current state of data, datalogs over time, possibility to setup control rules, alarm systems, real-time analytics and more. Whenever a control rule is defined in the Cloud, it is automatically synced to the relevant device, which in turn effectuates the control logic between the appropriate sensor and actuators.
For an overview of how data is transferred to the user and via. the REST API v2, see Figure 1: